Thrillhouse Limited was registered as a limited liability company in 2010 with RC 923498 and started her operation with computer related services and has since then sold and supplied over 10,000units of laptops with excellent price quality correlation. The company initiated laptop trade-off services in 2012 which allowed existing laptop users migrate from old to new computers; an initiative that brought about a mutual benefit for the customers and the company.

Thrillhouse Limited started her alternative energy arm in December 2015 after 5 years of training in the sector and has since then installed, serviced and maintained over 500 alternative energy systems with outstanding project success. We have built more than five(5) solar car parks to help achieve both aesthetic features alongside high efficiency and reliability.

Thrillhouse also has a subsidiary that offers bulk SMS (short message services via and corporate branding (customization of lapel pins, wristband, keyholders e.t.c)

Our clients base ranges from several individuals (an average of 5000 new clients per year), and our corporate clients include Obafemi Awolowo University, Osun State university, Kingsway International Christian Center(KICC), Mikano Generators, God’s Love Tabernacle International Church(GLT), Sanctuary of Hope Church, Youth Employment and Social Support Operation (YESSO)  Osun state, Nigerian baseline survey project (NIBAS), Center for distance learning OAU, African Traditional Herbal Medicine Supporters Initiative(ATHMSI) and many others.

Thrillhouse Limited is committed to excellent price-quality correlation and maintains a foundation of integrity, trust and mutual respect and as such our clients can go to sleep when we are handling their projects. Thrillhouse has been an ever expanding success story from a sixteen thousand naira business that started in Obafemi Awolowo University to what it is today.

The founder of Thrillhouse Limited (AJAYI, Ademola) is a graduate of Mechanical Engineering; Obafemi Awolowo University who graduated as one of the best students in his class of 2011 and currently an Energy manager in training with Association of Energy Engineers in United States of America. He is supported by a team of highly focused and visionary individuals with great profiles.


The company has three subsidiaries namely:

  • Thrillhouse Gadget: Sales, installation and maintenance of Laptops, Sales, installation and maintenance of Desktops; Sales, installation and maintenance of Phones, Provision of internet facilities; Sales of laptop accessories, Sales of Projector, Sales of Printer, Sales of photocopy machine, Sales of scanner etc.
  • Thrillhouse Alternative Energy Solution: Sales, installation and maintenance of Inverters; Sales, installation and maintenance of solar panel; Sales, installation and maintenance Inverter’ batteries, sales of solar accessories, sales of inverter Air condition, sales of stabilizers e.t.c
  • Thrillhouse Bulk Sms Solution

Our Vision

To build a group of companies that would exemplify business leadership by employing energy and ICT as key driving tools in achieving customer satisfaction at all levels.

Our Mission

  1. To daily achieve excellent price-quality correlation at all levels of our business endeavours.
  2. To give ourselves to research in our areas of business interest to enhance your benefits.
  3. To make the right choices for you in terms of products and services ahead of your own choices.
  4. To be willing to take responsibility for our actions in any way we might have been wrong.
  5. To build a business environment where customers and staff feel loved and appreciated.

Our Core Values

  • Excellent price-quality correlation
  • Integrity
  • Timely delivery
  • Personal development (Training and research)
  • Innovation


Our team of management under the leadership of AJAYI Ademola (The founder), comprises of dynamics and energetic youths, with undivided interest in what they are doing and passion for excellence. Our staff strength  exceeds a score, cutting across youths of all categories and sex. Our team of Engineers is well trained, with over Seven years of experience. We are one of the few registered members of solar energy international in Nigeria.


Our team of management under the leadership of AJAYI Ademola (The founder), comprises of dynamics and energetic youths, with undivided interest in what they are doing and passion for excellence. Our staff strength  exceeds a score, cutting across youths of all categories and sex. Our team of Engineers is well trained, with over Seven years of experience. We are one of the few registered members of solar energy international in Nigeria.Our clients include individuals and a wide range of Industries in the private and government sectors. Our already established clients include God’s Love Tabernacle (GLT), Oduduwa University, Hill-Rich Polytechnic, Procter and Gamble (P & G), Lagos, O.A.U Centre for Gender and Women Policy, Osun State Ministry of Youth, Ambassadors College Ile-Ife, Sanctuary of  Hope Church, Ile-ife, O.A.U Teaching Hospital, Ile-Ife (Eleyele), First Access Microfinance Bank, Osun State University e.t.c.  We are proud that over 80% of our business comes from repeat clients. We have handled several multimillion naira projects in the last few years.